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where your journey becomes our shared purpose

psychiatric assessment

At Heart and Mind Wellness, we offer comprehensive psychiatric assessment services with the goal of providing personalized treatment plans that address your unique needs.


We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, and we work with you every step of the way on your journey to heart and mind wellness.

medication management

We understand that medication can be an important tool in treating mental health conditions.


That's why we offer medication management services to help you navigate the complexities of medications, including finding the right medication for you, monitoring side effects, and adjusting dosages as needed.

supportive therapy

Our comprehensive approach includes supportive therapy alongside medication management.


Personalized Psychotherapy Referrals: We take pride in connecting you with exceptionally skilled psychotherapists, ensuring that your therapy experience is tailored to your unique requirements.


Collaborative Care Coordination: Whether you have an existing therapist or are seeking a new one, we work closely with them to guarantee that you receive the highest quality, personalized, and customized care possible.

grief support

dyana ko certified grief counselor

As a Certified Grief Educator, Dyana is committed to providing the highest level of grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often unacknowledged rocky terrain of grief.


As a bereaved mother who unexpectedly lost her three-year-old son, Landon, to medulloblastoma (brain cancer), Dyana combines her personal experiences and pain with her passion for helping others in order to support you in a compassionate, caring, and supportive manner as you work through your personal journey.

we treat a wide variety of mental health conditions, including: â€‹








postpartum depression

bipolar disorders

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